Todoist setup
Todoist setup

idea - Something that you can't do right now, but you want to think about or plan out actionable steps later on.action - A single actionable step that can be completed.These tags help figure out what the task needs to be completed. This might be something you want as a long term goal. eventually - The task cannot be completed anytime in the foreseeable - The task needs to be reviewed at a later time.wait-for - The task cannot be started until the date used in `due date`.`due date` is used to indicate when the task needs to be completed. now - The task can be started immediately.This tag also uses the builtin feature of `due date` for some of the tags. These tags will help figure out when a task can be started or when it is due. Tags are the real foundation of this system.Tags can be separated into 4 categories, every task should have only one tag out of each category, making 4 tags total. Todoist and GTD call these `contexts`, I just call them tags. So no guarantee that it'll work for you, but hopefully it helps in some way! Tags It's a mish-mash everything I've read about and strip down to fit specifically what I need. I'm not going to say this is the best way to manage your tasks, it's just what works for me. So I decided to make some rules and stick with them.

todoist setup

I was definately doing better, getting more stuff done, but I was still forgetting a lot too. I had all the tasks written out, I had them tagged with semi-important bits of information, I had due dates, but there was no consistence behind anything. This had some draw backs through, mainly that nothing organized still. Over the years my simple process of just adding everything to `Inbox` with a due date just wasn't cutting it, so I started adding tags to help organize everything. Due to all of this I ended up choosing Todoist as my task manager. Unfortunately these two features are only available in Premium though.


At the same time Todoist offers an extremely full featured tagging and filtering system. When adding tasks to Todoist you can add information (Projects, tags, due date, priority, etc) about the task just by typing, no need for clicking or special key bindings! This also holds true for the mobile interface. Todoist also offers a really brilliant input interface as well. I love Todoist minimal interface, managers like and Asana just had to much clutter. I looked at everything available (and still spend to much time looking at new ones now!), but finally settled on Todoist Premium. This gave me a good reason to find a new todo manager though. A truly sad day for Wunderlist fans, as Microsoft has a slight history of destroying things they buy. Why Todoist?Įventually Microsoft bought Wunderlist. That's when I started working on this system. As college went on and I started freelancing I quickly realized I needed more help. It was just a bunch of tasks messily thrown in one project with dates attached. I never really dove to deep into GTD or any real kind of process then. At the time I was a college student and it was great for helping keep track of projects and other assignments.

todoist setup todoist setup

Like a lot of others my first experience with todo managers was actually Wunderlist.

Todoist setup