Hearts of iron 4 wikia
Hearts of iron 4 wikia

I apologize for any spelling mistakes (especially the many defence/defense ones I probably made) and weird formatting.I may soon expand each entry until each entry becomes involved in World War Two itself, or until a nation begins to choose Continuous Focuses. I stop when World War 2 starts, and Germany's "Danzig or War" Focus is finished.Due to how variable some of the early wars can be (such as Italy-Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, and the Japanese Invasion of Greater China) there's a big chance some national paths may change in some games.

Hearts of iron 4 wikia how to#

I don't know how to explore the game files for this info, so I literally just let a game run while writing down the Focuses each nation chosen.This is intended to help those who want to copy the Historical AI Focuses path for a nation that they are controlling. This guide is therefore a record of what Focuses the nations in Hearts of Iron 4 take, and when. This guide is simply these paths for every nation with a unique Focus Tree in game, and the order they take the Focuses. There's no information on the wiki regarding what Focuses you should take (and when) if you want to copy the Historical AI Focuses. Problem is, there's no automatic way to do it if you yourself are controlling a nation (other than recording the path taken in a previous game - and following it later). Sometimes however, I also want to follow the historical path of the nation I'm playing. I love the "Historical AI Focuses" option. NOTE - I MAY SOON EXPAND THE LISTS UNTIL EACH NATION BECOMES INVOLVED IN WORLD WAR TWO, AS AT THE MOMENT I STOP WHEN GERMANY COMPLETES THE FOCUS "DANZIG OR WAR" Last Updated: For Update 1.11.1 "Barbarossa" and the "No Step Back" Expansion

Hearts of iron 4 wikia